About Ti'ud
Who we are, what we do, and how we do it.
Project Ti'ud is an initiative of the Ethiopian National Project (ENP) that creates an opportunity for dialogue between Ethiopian Israeli youth and previous generations of the community. For many years it was taboo for parents to share with their children the traumatic events that they experienced during their Aliyah journey. Now, Project Ti'ud aims to bridge this gap by engaging with all three generations of Ethiopian Israelis through an intensive and multifaceted after-school oral history enrichment program for 240 high school students in 12 cities.​ We at the ENP and Project Ti'ud hope that this mission will become a continued national effort. The stories of the Ethiopian Aliyah emanate the power of belief, and it is our desire that through this project they will be woven into greater Israeli and world Jewish history. Learn more about our mission below.

Wisdom in the belly is like light inside a pitcher. It does not spread​.
- Amharic proverb
Our Students
One of the main goals of Project Ti'ud is interaction between the generations, a natural perpetuation of community, tradition, and history. Ethiopian Israeli students will receive guidance from professionals about how to conduct interviews, collect stories, and submit them to a database. For some this is the first time they are hearing these Aliyah stories. By the effort of these students are the oral histories maintained for coming generations, not only for Ethiopian Jewry but the entirety of the Jewish world.

Stories Revealed
For a long time the stories of the Ethiopian Aliyah were largely unknown. Ethiopian Jewry serve as amazing inspiration not only for the Jewish community but for the world. Their story is one of realizing dreams, of seeing a better future for your community and having the bravery and perseverance to make such a dream into reality. In addition to maintaining this history, it is the hope of Project Ti'ud that these stories will be utilized for educational purposes. That they will be shared with the greater public in order to bring awareness, understanding, and solidarity with the Ethiopian community in Israel.